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Revisión del libro de juegos de mesa de Steve Dee.



Este libro sobre juegos está autopublicado (en inglés) por su autor. Es una nueva versión de un libro anterior, Ticket to Carcassonne (2016 - con revisiones hasta 2023).


Steve Dee ha escrito otros libros sobre juegos, sierpe en autoedición, hasta de relatos (Tabletop Tales), o sobre estrategias de juego (Hive - The Boardless Board Game: Tactics and Strategies (2015), The Book of Carcassonne: Strategy, Tips and Tactics (2020).

Sobre el nuevo título:


The Book of Board Games
Steve Dee

"Full of good humor ... probably the best book about games ever!" ~ Alan R Moon (designer of Ticket to Ride)
Perhaps you have been hearing about the many fantastic modern board games and card games that are out there? You want to get into the hobby, but you don't know where to start?
Well, you have come to the right place.
Author Steve Dee shares his enthusiasm for gaming, and introduces you to the many different games and genres, with passion and a sense of humour. Find out about gateway games, co-op games, wargames, Euros, RPGs, CCGs, LCGs, and many more.
Welcome to the best hobby you will ever have.
Welcome to the world of modern tabletop gaming.


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